Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Keep An Eye On Wei's Designs

Wandering about the grid Monday evening, I teleported to a shop for a look around and as I stood there a lady called Wei Gears gave me a landmark to her store. Wei makes eyes, and beautiful they are too! I went over to see Wei’s place today and luckily she was there (:::J&S:: J&S Fashion Design). She offered either to let me try a demo of the eyes, or said she would model them for me. I asked if she wouldn’t mind modelling them so that I could take her picture.

I asked Wei when she had started to create eyes and she told me that she had started a few months ago and the eye project is finished. However she will have new releases with new colours. I bought a pair of the eyes that Wei had modelled for me (Tea 121) and they are really life-like right down to the reflections in them. Another great idea that Wei had thought of, was eyes for different countries; I spotted some with a Union Flag. Wei kindly gave me a pair of the Union Flag eyes and I will wear them for our next SL British event, go and see her collection, be patriotic and buy your country's flag!! You will be stunned by the other eyes that she has made as well and they are a snip at 99 Lindens.

Wei said she has started to make clothes and I look forward to seeing some of her new designs. Thank you for the interview Wei I wish you much success!!

Janey Bracken

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