It was a coincidence today, that I had been talking to fellow writer Hibiscus and friends Boye and Drax about people being 'Ruthed' in SL. As you probably know being Ruthed is when a male avatar logs on and suddenly he has gained a female shape, a nasty experience for all male av's at sometime or the other. Well I went out shopping this morning and suddenly I was surrounded by women avatars who seem to have grown extra boobs, at first I thought that the lady I had seen in the beginning must have gone for that particular look, for whatever reasons she wanted to have multiple boobs for, who knows!, she was all grey anyway and I never did see her in colour. But then I spotted other people too, one poor man had some boob looking things below his waistline, at least I think they were boobs, his hair hid his face as well, then I saw another multiple boobed lady, also one who looked like she had footballs for boobs with tennis balls stuck on, then I realised that SL was having a bad day. I think they were sculptie attachments that just hadn't taken their proper shape!! I scurried off, heaven knows what I looked like to other people!!!
Janey Bracken